Sunday, June 14, 2009

Back to Business

After a long hiatus due to LSAT prep, I am back to work on my various projects. During my time of non-posting, I continued weaving my multi-fiber warp scarves at the ArtSpace, but neglected projects at home. But I finished my exam on Monday and now I'm back to work!

I am almost done with my crocheted sweater: (just one sleeve left to crochet!)

I also warped my inkle loom for some bookmarks in the colors of my Alma mater:

I have also drawn up some plans for cotton towels for my tabletop LeClerc at home. I am hoping to make it to the ArtSpace this week to wind the warps for those. Jon asked me why I don't just buy my own warping board. I would love to have my own to speed up my projects, but my apartment is about 300 square feet. I can barely have looms in here, not to mention all my yarn, bed, desk, dresser, etc! Hopefully my next home will have room for all the necessary weaving accessories.

I am counting down the weeks/days for my trip to Massachusetts in July. We are planning a visit to WEBS in Northampton, the Fiber Loft in Harvard, and any yarn shops in Nantucket. I better start saving my money!